Congratulations and Success Dr. Ixora Sartika Mercuriani for her election as Chair of DIY Indonesian Orchid Lovers for the 2024-2029 Period

The Department of Biology Education would like to congratulate Dr. Ixora Sartika Mercuriani, M.Si for her election as Chair of PAI DIY for the 2024-2029 period. We are confident that with your experience and dedication, PAI DIY will continue to develop and make a significant contribution to the preservation and development of orchids in Yogyakarta. Hopefully this mandate can be carried out successfully and bring progress to orchid lovers in DIY.

Visiting Professor of Biotechnology Subject with the Topic of Biotechnology Applications in the Medical Field

Yogyakarta, May 21, 2024 – The Biology Education Study Program-S2 FMIPA Yogyakarta State University (UNY) held a Visiting Professor Program with Equity funds on Tuesday, May 21 to Friday, May 24, 2024. This activity took place in Meeting Room 3 FMIPA UNY and was attended by three classes, namely class BIO 003 and BIO 004 of the Biology Education Study Program-S2 for the Biotechnology Study course for Biology PSP and class A of the Science Education Study Program S2 for the Biotechnology course.